Monday, July 15, 2013

Couch to 5K Week One Day One

I need to get my act together to do my 5K run in November. I can’t tell you how many times I have restarted this program. :-(

So, no more!

I am done and fed up with my inconsistencies. If you know anything about me than you know when I get to this point, I never falter.

Mark your calendars, from this day forward I am not going to skip any days and if I do then that means I need to be punished, maybe with a spanking? *smiles*
Wait, I might like spankings so maybe that wouldn’t be the best form of punishment. lol

Well in reality, it doesn’t matter any way because I am not going to fail and skip any days unless I am literally dying and can’t move out of bed.
Sheesh where was I, before went off on this tangent…. Oh, yes my training.
Today I went and ran my little ass off just as my English girl said to run on the podcast. I wanted to run at 6 mph but my body rebelled and I had to decrease the speed to 5.5 mph. It had been a long time since I did my program and I found myself in totally disbelief when the phrase “I’ve missed this” crossed my mind.

I love that things are changing with in me. Mainly my attitude. :-)

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